CAC16-O C19800-O铜合金延展性好
norms from Copper alloys
Please read below on the wished for trade-name in the left hand column, and get it translated into LM-language on the right-hand
column. The right hand column with our name is either identical in composition or a fully replaceable alloy with only minor differences.
The column in the middle states the norm and its country of origin.
With no marks in front of LM’s alloy = alloy is identical, with this sign “~” = alloy is very similar, fully replaceable.
Product name Country of origin LM’s trade name by or order/inquiry
Cu Sn6 German standard / DIN 17662, Zinnbronzen Cu Sn6, CW452K
Cu Sn8, Cu Sn8 P German standard / DIN 17662, Zinnbronzen Cu Sn8, CW453K, Cu Sn8 P, CW459K
Cu Sn4 Pb4 Zn4 German standard / DIN 17662, Zinnbronzen Cu Sn4 Pb4 Zn4, CW456K
Cu Ni12 Zn24 German std. / DIN 17663, Kupfer-Nickel (Neusilber)
它的出现引起了计算机的巨大变革,成为现代信息技术的基础。己开发出的很大规模集成电路,在比小姆指甲还小的单个芯片面积上,能做出的晶体管数目,己达十万甚至百万以上。国际著名的计算机公司IBM(国际商业机器公司),己采用铜代替硅芯片中的铝作互连线,取得了突破性进展。这种用铜的新型微芯片,可以获得30%的效能增益,电路的线尺寸可以减小到0.12微米,可使在单个芯片上集成的晶体管数目达到200万个。这就为古老的金属铜,在半导体集成电路这个zui新技术领域中的应用,开创了新局面 [1] 。引线框架
为了保护集成电路或混合电路的正常工作,需要对它进行封装;并在封装时,把电路中大量的接头从密封体内引出来。这些引线要求有一定的强度,构成该集成封装电路的支承骨架,称为引线框架。实际生产中,为了高速大批量生产,引线框架通常在一条金属带上按特定的排列方式连续冲压而成。框架材料占集成电路总成本的1/3~ l/4,而且用量很大;因此,必须要有低的成本。